Flowing Steel Confections

July 20, 2013  |  Edward Tufte
1 Comment(s)

Steel mounted on I-beam, eventually to wander over the land for 500 feet:

sculpture Edward Tufte Iron Wall

Pixelized drawing of same:

sculpture Edward Tufte Iron Wall

With ET for scaling purposes:

sculpture Edward Tufte Iron Wall

Topics: Art, E.T.
  • Niels Olson says:

    On the left I see orange striations on a background of beige sky. On the right a multiform, stratified array of columnar to cuboidal, anucleate, “punched out” cells. One atypical cell appears to have lost its architecture. A foreign organism stands between the two, suggesting the forms may be been influenced by it.

    A man on a farm in Connecticut once told me “When you describe things, describe what you see: the rocks are yellow.”

    Starting a pathology residency, that sentence resonates on an hourly basis.


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