All 5 Clothbound Books Autographed by Edward Tufte

Edward Tufte | 1983 - 2020

All 5 books autographed by Edward Tufte on the title page. Clothbound only. Includes Visual Display of Quantitative Information, Envisioning Information, Visual Explanations, Beautiful Evidence and Seeing with Fresh Eyes; Meaning, Space, Data, Truth.

Edward Tufte taught data analysis and public policy as a professor at Princeton and Yale for 31 years. He received a B.S. and M.S. in statistics from Stanford, a Ph.D. in political science from Yale, and 9 honorary degrees.

Edward Tufte, via his Graphics Press, wrote, designed, and self-published 5 books on analytical thinking and showing, taught a one-day course, Presenting Data and Information for 923 days to 328,001 students.



  • "The Galileo of Graphics" - BUSINESS WEEK
  • "The Leonardo da Vinci of data" - THE NEW YORK TIMES
  • "Euclid-like consolidator/teacher" - BRET VICTOR
  • "The world's leading analyst of graphic information." - MARTIN KEMP, NATURE